We offer wide range of different aircraft landing gears for repair & overhaul services in our modern facilities with the high quality & high precision tester.
Our mission in this shop are, disassembly, cleaning, visually inspections, precision, high quality NDT on all major & minor parts, details advance repair by machining, boring & re-plating as required. Also we could performed all AD/SB’S on all types of aircraft landing gears.
After completing the rework of landing gears components such as side strut, drag brace, inner & outer cylinders, our expert certify staff starting the assembly according to approved & updated maintenance data (CMM).
Hydraulic test stand by (MIL-H-5606) technical capabilities are:
1- Proof test
2- Operational test
3- Cycling test
For all types of narrow body / wide body aircraft landing gears. After assembly and test benched, IRI.CAA form 1 issuance take place.
Furthermore, the landing gears attaching parts such as electrical harness, plugs, actuators, pressure reducer valves, axle sleeves & etc. Repair/ overhaul are in our capabilities.