MRO Services


There is no question that the success of the aviation industry is dependent on NDT. Without NDT, the cost of maintaining and flying in airplanes would increase dramatically, while the safety of flying would decrease. When people step into an airplane, they trust that it will get them to their destination with as little turbulence as possible. NDT plays a vital role in keeping air travel one of the safest modes of transportation.

Simorgh MRO center NDT shop profit by experienced experts with international level II and III is ready to give following services in NDT in accordance with IRI.CAA part 145 and ASNT.NDT methods that used to ensure the safety of the airplane components are:

Eddy Current Testing (ET)

Visual & Optical Testing (VT)

Ultrasonic Testing (UT)

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)

Dye Penetrant Testing (PT)

Radiography Testing (RT)

Other special services are:

Thickness Measurement

 Hardness Measurement

 Coating Measurement

Wheel Scan

 Composite Inspection

 Weld Inspection

NDT training & consultant:

We are ready to give NDT procedures preparation and training terms in accordance with IRI.CAA and international standards.

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